Thursday, February 4, 2010

In honor of St. Brigid's Day

I organized my sewing supplies. Her day is actually February 2, but today is the day I had time and new boxes from Daiso, for the big clean out. St. Brigid is my patron saint/favored pagan goddess. She is the goddess/saint of mid-winter, and she is in charge of sewing and needle crafts, weaving, and dairy products.

I have been doing a lot of sewing lately, and have some on going projects, but I thought in honor of the coming spring, and her day, I'd do some organizing. I'll probably sew a bit too :).

Here's some of what I started with:

And my lovely new Daiso boxes:

And here's how it turned out:

I found more stuff after that photo, so I had to sort that too. I included a few sewing boxes that I tidied as well.

Here it is in its temporary home:

I'm hoping to repurpose an old 1940s typing desk for a sewing table, and if I manage that, a lot of this stuff will end up in there, but until then, I'm pretty pleased with the tidiness.

Next post will probably feature my new hobby: Sashiko, a style of Japanese quilting and embroidery.

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